Academic achievement has become an educational touchstone since the passage of the federal Elementary and Seconday Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law on December 10, 2015 reauthorizes the ESEA act of 1965 and replaces the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This Act promotes the validity of educators including counselors, holding them to accountability in impacting students’ academic growth and becoming a catalyst for the overall educational institution success.
Academic Coaches and Teachers can act as powerful allies in services that focus on assisting student's access and success in achieving higher academic standards. The academic counselor, as part of the Title I educational team, has a vital role to plan in supporting academic achievement by acting as a proactive leader and advocate for student success. Although the counselor and teacher may have separate and specific roles and corresponding responsibilities to carry out, there is overlap with regard to accomplishing common goals for the program and its students. Collaborative attitudes and practices can positively impact the mission and maximize the Title I experience of the student.*
Founded in 2012, Academic Achievement Institute Corp. (AAIC) partnered with Chicago’s local school education agency to provide excellent supplemental educational services to local private and religious schools with the spirit of excellence.
AAIC was founded on the premise that every student is entitled to high quality educational experiences which enable him or her to excel to the highest level with appropriate academic instruction and support. With the provision of supplemental education, AAIC believes success can be achieved. AAIC is committed to enhancing the quality of education and designing effective services tailored to meet each educational institution’s specific needs.
AAIC specializes in providing supplemental educational services to Private and Religious Schools. AAIC offers Instructional Supplemental Education support, Academic Coaching, Professional Development Workshops (Title IIA), Parent Involvement Training, and Fine Arts Programming, and after school programming. The goal of the ESSA Title III program is to ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) and immigrant students attan English proficiency, delveop high levels of academic achievement in English and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic standards as all children are expected to meet.
AAIC has a highly skilled professional staff with expertise and knowledge of the CPS ESSA Title I Programs. The majority of AAIC’s professional staff members possess advanced degrees, specialized clinical training, and appropriate Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) certifications.
AAIC is an equal opportunity employer and supports diversity initiatives.
* Reprinted from CPS–Coaching Program Guidelines